“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

stay connected & join the Omala community

Group Meditation

After completing the 4 Day Vedic Meditation Course with Omala, you will now have access to group meditation sessions.

The idea here is to continue to support you on your meditation journey and practice. After you start your practice, you will have many meditations and no-doubt a variety of incredible experiences to dissect and discuss.

This is the place to share them experiences and ask any further questions you may have about meditation to continue to deepen and develop your understanding.

It’s also a great way to stay in touch and maintain a regular practice within our meditation community.

There will also be a Group Meditation book club for those interested to continue to develop with their peers. Keeping connected with a group of like minded meditators is a wonderful way to keep & grow a strong practice and understanding of meditation.

Meditation is a journey and a lifestyle. It doesn’t just stop after the 4 Day Course. It starts.

On-Going Support



To answer any of your open questions about the practice or your experiences & to guide you onwards.

Through Scientific Research, it has been shown that meditating in a group displays synchronicities between individual meditators EEG brain waves.

In Vedic Meditation brain wave patterns of highly synchronized & organized Alpha Waves can be found across the left and right hemispheres of the brain.



On completion of the 4 Day Course you will be added to the Omala Meditation private student group and community.

Here you will receive Zoom links for the Group Meditations and other get-togethers or events in person.

You will be able to meet new meditators and make life long connections and friendships.



The group meditations are ‘come as - and when - you please’ style. You’re always welcome.

The group meditations are mostly Vedic Meditation for approx. 20 mins followed by Q&A and sharing, with occasional ‘Dharma & Wisdom’ sessions led by Robbie. The sessions normally last around 1 hour.

You will also have access to the Omala meditation Book Club.

variety is the spice of life

Keep things Fresh and always continue to Learn and Grow

Meditation is a life transforming tool which can enhance every aspect of your life.

Just as with your physical body, it is important to keep not only your core muscles healthy and strong, but also your arms, legs, and back etc.

That’s why Omala teacher Robbie Paterson trained to be able to teach the 4 main styles of meditation.

There are a variety of other meditation techniques to explore which offer incredible benefits and insight and can be integrated beautifully with your Vedic Meditation practice.

You will have access to Group Meditation where we will explore these other styles and techniques.

One session we may introduce and practice Zazen, the next session may be Metta & Loving Kindness, the next Kapalbhati Breathing and the next Body Scan Awareness.

Robbie is equipped with 10 different meditation techniques and will help you explore and sharpen your practice by keeping it fresh and alive.

The drop in classes will take place either online via ZOOM or in person tbd on location.

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance’’

- Alan Watts